How To Start Eating Healthy (LIFE-CHANGING!)

Posted by: On September 13, 2022 1:51 pm

You can start eating healthy TODAY. It’s easy, it’s life-changing, and it tastes great. Get ready for more energy, more feel-good positivity, and getting into the best shape of your life!


How To Start Eating Healthy (LIFE CHANGING)


What is Eating Healthy?

First, what it isn’t. Eating healthy is not about deprivation. It’s not about cutting out food groups or only eating raw kale and lentils. Healthy eating isn’t a diet – it’s a way of life.

To start eating healthy and feeling the life-changing benefits of a nutritious diet, here’s your checklist:

Cut Out (or Cut Down, a Lot):

  • Sugary drinks AND drinks containing sweetener
  • Highly processed foods
  • Sugary foods
  • Processed meat such as sausages and bacon
  • Saturated fats
  • Red meat (cut
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Alkaline Keto Diet Tips

Posted by: On September 6, 2022 2:40 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share information about Alkaline Keto Diet Tips.  Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation.  


Alkaline Keto Diet Tips



The ketogenic diet known as a very low-carb diet, has become a popular way of eating that can contribute to optimal health where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. These ketones are made in the liver using our own fat, hence weight loss or dietary fat.

Unfortunately, traditional keto diets — …

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Top Alkaline Vegetables for Optimal Health

Posted by: On July 20, 2022 2:05 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share Top Alkaline Vegetables for Optimal Health.  Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation.  




Feeling inflamed?  That may be due to an acidic body and there is a remedy for that.

Eating alkaline foods is great to help you easily keep your body in an alkaline state. Keeping the body somewhat alkaline vs acidic is a powerful way to optimize health that may lead to more energy, less inflammation, slower aging, immune …

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Delicious Vegetarian Baking Substitutes

Posted by: On October 1, 2021 12:37 pm

More people are switching to a vegetarian diet than ever before. While the supermarket shelves are reflecting this – new-style, mouthwatering plant-based burgers and sausages are frequently swooped upon by meat-eaters – baking can be trickier.


Delicious Vegetarian Baking Substitutes


What changes do you need to make to your baking if you’re vegetarian?

Marshmallows Aren’t So Mellow

Making Rocky Road or s’mores? You might need to leave out the marshmallows. That candy-cute wobble is often down to gelatin, a pork derivative. Happily, there are several marshmallow brands that are veggie-friendly, so check the packs first.


The Lowdown on Low Fat Yogurt

Gelatin also pops up in low-fat yogurt, so you’ll need to find an alternative. Full fat yogurt without gelatin is …

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Dr. Lori’s Intermittent Fasting For Beginners [Updated]

Posted by: On May 4, 2021 1:25 pm

Do you aim to steadily lose weight and maintain a healthier mind and body? If you are, know that going on a fad diet isn’t the answer. Fasting is.

Fasting – essentially a therapeutic dietary intervention – is the ancient practice that’s as popular as ever in our modern times.



In general, fasting doesn’t just help you to lose weight – practitioners believe that it can improve multiple aspects of your overall health, helping you to:

  • Sleep better
  • Boost your metabolic health
  • Improve your memory
  • Optimize gut health
  • Enjoy abundant energy
  • Improve muscle tone
  • Experience increased satiety
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Enjoy clearer skin

Many people who want to try fasting for the first time find themselves overwhelmed by information. …

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Health and Longevity from an Alkaline Diet

Posted by: On March 8, 2021 1:03 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is BACK AGAIN to discuss Health and Longevity from an Alkaline Diet!


Health and Longevity from an Alkaline Diet


If you want that boundless energy, a healthy and leaner body, relief from inflammation and slower aging, choosing an alkaline diet is key. Many people are looking for an alkaline state rather than an acidic one, but what are the main benefits of doing so?  Why choose alkaline food and water?

The body is so finely tuned in that if one is eating acidic foods such as refined flours, sugars, oils and junk foods the body can adjust. There are far more benefits of alkaline foods vs. acidic foods, but that doesn’t mean that all acidic foods are bad for you. The Western …

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How Hydrogen-Rich Alkaline Water Promotes Weight Loss

Posted by: On October 14, 2020 12:00 pm

Looking to drop a few pounds in time for the holidays? You’ve come to the right place. Drinking hydrogen-rich alkaline water doesn’t just hydrate and energize you – it can also help you to lose weight.

Molecular hydrogen has unique therapeutic qualities that can help to support weight loss. Drinking hydrogen water can – over time – help your body to metabolize fat more efficiently. Hydrogen water promotes good liver health, and the liver is your powerhouse organ when it comes to detoxifying your body and metabolizing fat.


How hydrogen-rich alkaline water promotes weight loss


What The Science Tells Us

In several clinical studies, scientists found that molecular hydrogen could be a factor in encouraging weight loss.

“The present results suggest the potential benefit

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The Benefits of Eating Alkaline Vegetables

Posted by: On October 5, 2020 2:07 pm

Many people want to optimize their health but have trouble with where to begin. If you remember back to your science class, you may have studied the difference between alkaline and acidic body. These two principles are key factors in the health of our bodies.

We now know that an acidic body leads to more disease and overall poor health and an alkaline body helps to optimize health. Why is it important that we have a more alkaline body than an acidic body?


Dr. Lori Shemek Alkaline Vegetables


Two important concepts regarding this question and how healthy we ultimately are.

An Acidic Body

A pH level measures how acid or alkaline something is. A pH of 0 is totally acidic, while a pH …

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7 Benefits of an Alkaline Diet

Posted by: On June 5, 2020 12:00 pm

Alkaline water…alkaline foods…alkaline diet… Let’s face it: alkalinity is the new black. In terms of pH balance, many people are chasing an alkaline state rather than an acidic one, but what are the main benefits of doing so?



1. Boost Your Immune System

When your body has the perfect pH balance, your overall health is more robust; primed to support every vital physical function, and help it to thrive. Your immune system is a complex network of physiological constituent parts that – like the rest of your body – benefits from balanced pH levels.

2. Supporting Good Kidney Health

The kidneys are key to helping with a healthy pH balance. Metabolic Acidosis is a condition that can occur …

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5 Things to Know About Cactus Water

Posted by: On May 27, 2020 12:00 pm

Cactus water is the new kid on the trendy water block…but does this water deliver or is the Prickly Pear bubble about to burst?

5 things to know about cactus water

What is Cactus Water?

What Does Cactus Water Taste Like?

What Parts of the Prickly Pear Are Edible?

Will Cactus Water Make Me Ill?

What Do Doctors Think About Drinking Cactus Water?

Is There a Healthier and Cheaper Alternative to Cactus Water?

What is Cactus Water?

Cactus Water is a drink made from liquid extracted from the bright pink fruit of the Prickly Pear Cactus Plant. It seems paradoxical to look to a desert plant for hydration, but although it grows in arid conditions, the Prickly Pear is perfectly adapted to storing large amounts of …

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