In Deep Water – The Olympic Road to Rio

Posted by: On August 4, 2016 12:00 pm

Megan Kalmoe is the Olympic rower who represented America in Beijing in 2008, and who recently hit the headlines with her no-holds barred take down of the press and it’s obsession with the “toxic stew” that will soon be the battleground for the finest rowers, sailing teams and other aquatic athletes in the world.

Tyent USA wishes all of the American Olympic Team good luck!
Tyent USA wishes all of the American Olympic Team good luck!

Rio 2016

As the hopeful Olympians begin to arrive in Rio for the 2016 competition, Kalmoe points out, “People seem more motivated than ever to portray the impending Rio Games as the biggest-ever disaster that hasn’t happened yet.”

It’s a good point, and it’s understandable that athletes want to focus on the …

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How To Change Your Water Ionizer Filters: UCE Models

Posted by: On June 10, 2016 9:00 am

Even the best products in the world sometimes need to be replaced. Chef’s knives become dulled, race car tires wear down and Tyent water ionizer filters become less effective after an extended period of use.

Even the best things don't last forever.
Even the best things don’t last forever.

Luckily, changing the filters on a under the counter Tyent water ionizer is extremely simple and can be done in just a few steps.

The Dual Filtration System – UCE Water Ionizers

All UCE water ionizer models contain two filters housed in the unit that sits hidden below your counter top. These filters are responsible for screening out harmful chemicals and bacteria while maintaining the mineral content of your water.

  • Primary Filter: ACF Carbon Filter that absorbs
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How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle with Your Tyent Water Ionizer

Posted by: On February 26, 2016 9:00 am

If you had to describe the ideal healthy lifestyle, what would you say?

Happy active children jumping

Most people would place proper nutrition, hydration, adequate sleep, strong immunities, and exercise at the top of the list. Not surprisingly, a Tyent water ionizer can help a person live healthier in all those ways and more!

Living Healthy With Your Water Ionizer

Water bottle by pool. Exercise and hydration concept.

Hydration is perhaps the single most important thing for a healthy lifestyle, even more important than nutrition**.

“At least 60% of the adult body is made of [water] and every living cell in the body needs it to keep functioning.”

Business Insider

Alkaline water happens to be ultra hydrating. It allows for faster gastric emptying, which in turn hydrates you faster.The health …

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Quarterback Whisperer Tom House Trains Stars with Tyent Alkaline Water

Posted by: On February 6, 2016 9:00 am

When you have something in common, you tend to get along with someone better. Turns out, Tom House and Tyent both have something in common: they are the best at what they do.

Tom House is the foremost throwing coach in American sports. Tyent USA is the leader in alkaline water ionizers. So, it should come as no surprise that when Tom House trains his clients, he recommends that they drink Tyent alkaline water as well.

The Many Successes of Tom House

high school baseball pitcher

After spending years playing professionally in Major League Baseball and coaching with the Texas Rangers, Tom House formed his own coaching company. Currently, House works 1-on-1 with some of the sporting world’s most decorated athletes including Drew …

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The Three Best Things You Can Do For Your Dog Right Now

Posted by: On January 30, 2016 9:00 am

Man’s best friend has been the canine since ancient times. Throughout history, dogs have always been more than pets to their human owners which is why we should give them the water that is more than just water: alkaline water.

Beautiful woman with a cute golden retriever dog

Pups have been and continue to be our closest confidants, greatest hunting partners, and most loyal guards. In a sense, humans and dogs cannot live without one another. In another sense, humans and canines can’t live without alkaline water.

The 3 Best Things for Your Pooch

  1. Warm Coat or Sweater

Dog in green hat

It is winter, so humans are bundled up from head to toe to brave the cold but often we forget about our four-legged friends. Sure, they have a thick …

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10 Reasons You Must Tell Everyone You Know About Alkaline Water

Posted by: On January 9, 2016 9:00 am

If you regularly read the Tyent blog, chances are you are a stalwart drinker of alkaline water and a proud owner of a Tyent water ionizer or you soon will join the ranks happy of Tyent customers.

Public Speaker

There are thousands of reasons to drink alkaline water and the benefits are available to everyone. So, don’t keep the magic of alkaline water a secret, spread the gospel of Tyent to your friends and family! Here are ten reasons you must tell everyone you know about alkaline water:

  1. Antioxidant Properties

This is where it all starts, with the powerful antioxidant properties that make alkaline water super healthy. When tap water is filtered through a water ionizer, the pH of the water is …

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Tick Tock…Resolution Time Starts Now! 5 Awesome Tips

Posted by: On December 31, 2015 9:00 am

After the ball drops and the champagne pops, the holiday season finally stops.  The New Year will mark a fresh start for life improvement and nearly half of the United States will make at least one resolution for 2016.

Happy New Year 2016 - Written With Fireworks

For those of you with a Tyent water ionizer, you are at a distinct advantage because alkaline water can help you accomplish your goals! Take a look at these common New Year’s resolutions and learn 5 awesome tips for how a water ionizer can help you win in 2016.

Resolution #1: Exercise More

Fitness with Weights

Go to any gym in America during January every year and you will notice just how many people vow to exercise more. The cardio machines are constantly …

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3 Delicious Thanksgiving Day Uses for Your Water Ionizer

Posted by: On November 14, 2015 12:40 pm

The Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving feast in 1621 to celebrate their first successful harvest in the New World. Of course, the Pilgrims didn’t have a Tyent water ionizer on hand to enhance the flavor and health benefits of their meal, but that doesn’t mean a water ionizer can’t be an important part of your Thanksgiving meal preparation!

Happy friends cheering up at Thanksgiving party outdoors

Here are three tasty tips from Tyent USA to make your Thanksgiving meal extra special in 2015:

  1. Tenderize Your Turkey with Turbo Alkaline Water

Thnaksgiving dish - turkey with pumpkins and fall leaves

Ever wonder how restaurants get perfectly moist roasted poultry in their restaurants? One trick chefs use is they soak their birds in brine which is a solution of water and salt. Guess what? Brines happen to be …

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7 Fall Cleaning Tips Using Your Tyent Water Ionizer

Posted by: On September 19, 2015 1:00 pm

Spring cleaning gets all the attention, but this year, put your water ionizer to use with these creative, money-saving, autumn cleaning tips from Tyent USA.


  1. Soak Fruits and Vegetables in Turbo Alkaline Water

The fall harvest means delicious pumpkins, apples, pears, and squash will be at the market in a variety of warm colors. Before indulging in the bounty of the season, soak fruits and vegetables in turbo level alkaline water for a few minutes to remove harmful pesticides from the skins.

  1. Wash Your Clothes with Alkaline Water

Tyent has a secret recipe for washing clothes that are clean and soft every time. Just follow this recipe:

  • 6 cups turbo alkaline water
  • ½ cup washing soda
  • ½ cup Borax
  • ½
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3 Alkaline Water Hacks

Posted by: On August 29, 2015 2:14 pm

Everyone knows that Tyent alkaline water is healthy to drink, but do you know of all the incredible uses for a Tyent water ionizer?

The power of Tyent water ionizers allows users to produce water of any pH, from strong acid to strong alkaline, and the applications are endless. Here are three unique ideas for you to try today:

  1. Brew Your Morning Coffee or Tea


Did you know that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the American diet? For an extra potent antioxidant boost, make your brew of choice with alkaline level 3 water. The smaller molecular size extracts a deeper flavor and more nutrients than regular tap water.

  1. Make an All-Purpose Cleaner


Expensive, poisonous and unnatural. …

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