The ONE Soap That’s Safe for Your Skin and the Planet

Posted by: On January 18, 2023 3:52 pm

How many of your favorite skin care products are a nightmare for the environment? So many products are harmful to aquatic life, don’t decompose adequately (either the product or the packaging) or some other problem – is there anything that’s safe for your skin AND the planet?

Yes, there is – Tyent TM-X Beauty Soap.


The ONE Soap Thats Safe for Your Skin and the Planet


Beautiful Planet, Beautiful You

The Tyent dedication to excellence with every water ionizer machine we sell is what our reputation is built upon. With the same passion for perfection, we conceived and formulated the perfect skin care soap that really is safe for your skin and the planet too.

TM-X Beauty Soap is something completely different. The TM stands for Total Microorganisms …

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What Is Alkaline Water Anyway?

Posted by: On January 13, 2023 2:44 pm

Ever wondered what alkaline water really is? You’re not alone! The buzz about alkaline water is everywhere and there’s never been a better time to discover exactly what it is and why it’s such a game-changer for your health and well-being!


What is Alkaline Water Anyway


What is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water is water with a pH above 7.0 (neutral) on the pH scale. Simply, water that registers below 7.0 is acidic while water with a reading above 7.0 is alkaline.

Some alkaline water is created by adding chemicals to the water to create alkalinity.

The healthier, better option is drinking ionized alkaline water, which is produced naturally by a Tyent Water Ionizer. The process of ionization inside the machine splits your source …

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Why Aren’t You Losing Weight?

Posted by: On January 11, 2023 2:36 pm

You’re cutting back on the calorific, fatty foods. You’re stepping up your exercise. You’re doing all the right things. So why is the needle on the scales stuck? Why aren’t you losing weight?

We bet that some ‘helpful’ person has told you that it’s all about calories consumed –v- calories burned, but they’re wrong. That’s a tiny piece of the picture. These are the real reasons you might not be losing weight, and here’s the good news – you can fix it, fast!



Why Aren't You Losing Weight 1


1. Trust Your Gut

Gut health is complex and fascinating. What’s more, your gut plays a vital role in how you process food and convert it into the vital nutrients and energy that your …

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7 Habits That Make You Feel Incredible

Posted by: On January 6, 2023 2:38 pm

Why settle for feeling ‘okay’ or ‘fine’ when you could be feeling incredible?

Feeling incredible every day is within reach of most of us, and yet too often we settle for much less.

If you’re done with settling and want to aim for feeling fantastic every day, then read on for the 7 habits that will make you feel incredible.


7 habits that make you feel incredible


1. Get Your Sleep Routine Sorted

Nothing restores you like a deep, nourishing night’s sleep. Make the space you sleep in a calm, welcoming, dark and peaceful one. Sip Tyent Water before bed to hydrate you through the night without the need for sleep-interrupting bathroom visits, and wake up feeling refreshed and incredible!


2. Make Exercise

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Happy New Year – Guaranteed!

Posted by: On January 4, 2023 2:59 pm

During the run-up to Christmas, one of my nephews – let’s call him Luca – spotted a toy, an old–fashioned train engine that puffed out clouds of real steam. The engine immediately became Luca’s heart’s desire and shot straight to the top of his Christmas list.

Several painstakingly written letters to Father Christmas were posted and stuffed up the chimney.  Finally, on Christmas morning, amid shouts and whoops of happiness, my nephew finally opened the toy of his dreams.

Happy days. For almost a whole hour.


Happy New Year Guaranteed


Guarantee? What Guarantee?

After about 40 minutes of joyful steam-puffing play, one part of the precious toy became detached from the other, in a way that wasn’t supposed to happen. It …

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Hydrogen Water Can Help Prevent and Reduce Hangovers – Updated Blog

Posted by: On December 30, 2022 12:00 pm

It’s the holiday season, and what’s that tinkling, clinking sound? Could it be sleighbells? Sadly not. It’s the festive clank of another bottle being dropped into the recycling bin.


Alkaline Water Guide to Avoiding Hangovers


Christmas is Here – Cheers!

Over Christmas, sales of beer and wine increase dramatically, as people host guests, enjoy that second (or third) glass of Rioja, or kick back with a beer or beaker of mulled wine to welcome the festive season. The snow is snowing (maybe); the drinks are flowing, and everyone’s wrapped in the hazy, happy fug of friends, family and the knowledge that Christmas is almost here.

Perfect… until the morning after.


Is No/Low the Right Way to Go?

Of course, you know that if …

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How to Care for Your Water Ionizer While on Vacation

Posted by: On December 28, 2022 12:04 pm

Happy holidays! It’s time to decompress, be with the people you love and slow life down a little. Eat well, share good times and make time for doing what nurtures you most.


How to Care for Your Water Ionizer While On Vacation


What Does a Water Ionizer Do on Vacation?

But wait. What about your water ionizer? It’s part of your everyday life, after all. For many people, the day starts with heading to their Tyent water ionizer for that first glass of antioxidant-packed, energizing alkaline water. It’s also the last thing they do at night before bed: grab a glass of Tyent water to sip before going to sleep. Your water ionizer is almost a member of the family!

So how do you care for your water …

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Are the Holidays Stealing Your Energy? – Updated Blog

Posted by: On December 13, 2022 2:18 pm

Lost your sparkle?  Are the holidays making you feel beaten down, stressed out and like climbing the walls all at the same time? If you recognize yourself here, we’ve got news: Christmas is stealing your energy and it needs fixing fast!

Are the holidays stealing your energy

Partied Too Hearty?

It’s easy to run out of energy over the holidays. Two COVID Christmasses mean that this one feels bigger and more meaningful than usual for many people. A longer list of social engagements than would normally be sensible, Christmas parties (remember those?), excited kids everywhere, rich food and maybe a few more beers or glasses of wine than you usually drink. All of this ends up being paid for – in energy!

Socializing, partying and all …

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Running Out of Time for Last Minute Gifts? – Blog Updated for 2022

Posted by: On December 2, 2022 4:26 pm

Ha. For a minute there you glanced at the calendar and thought that there were only a handful of shopping days left until Christmas, right?


Running Out of Time for Last Minute Gifts


Oh wait. What?

Yep, Christmas Day is pretty much upon us and that means if you haven’t finished gift shopping yet, then you probably enjoy living on the edge a little. If you haven’t noticed, the bells are jingling; the lights are twinkling and the window for grabbing those fabulous gifts you still haven’t bought yet is closing fast.

But hey. Just because you waited until the last minute to find the perfect presents for everyone on your list does not mean that the quality of your gift-giving has to suffer.

How? …

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Celebrity Diet Tricks REVEALED

Posted by: On December 1, 2022 2:32 pm

Celebrity Secret Weight Loss Tricks for Super-Fast Results!

How do celebs look so amazing? How come top models can reclaim their catwalk crown two weeks after giving birth? Rumors of brutal workouts and restrictive eating habits are always circling, but no one can live like that all the time.


Celebrity Diet Tricks REVEALED


So, what is it? What’s their secret? Something crazy expensive? Something completely unobtainable and out of reach for the average American? Well guess what? It’s not. The celebrity big secret that keeps A-Listers in shape is not only affordable, but also readily available as well. Many of these celebrities have the money and influence to try any fast fix or super-advanced weight loss solution in the world – but …

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