Bottled Alkaline Water Is NOT the Best Way to Stay Hydrated

Posted by: On August 9, 2022 2:09 pm

When is drinking water not the best option? Answer: when it comes in a bottle or when it hasn’t been purified.

Got a thirst on? About to reach for the nearest plastic bottle of alkaline water to quench it? STOP!

There are a bunch of reasons to avoid bottled water, and guess what? It’s not even the best way to stay hydrated…even if it is alkaline water.


Drinking Bottled Water Is NOT the Best Way


Bottled Alkaline Water is a Problem

We’ll explain. True, water is the best way to stay hydrated. Water is more hydrating than all other drinks. But not all types of water are equal.

Alkaline water in a bottle is inferior to ionized Tyent alkaline water. There are several reasons for …

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Bottled Water HEALTH SCARE…E Coli Found: Breaking News! – Updated Blog

Posted by: On March 28, 2022 12:00 pm

Luxury label bottled water – worth the premium cost, right?

Truthfully? No, for several reasons, but there’s one that you cannot afford to ignore. When we say that this is a shocking discovery, we’re not kidding.


Bottled Water HEALTH SCARE-blog


Here’s a story pulled directly from the news headlines, after a voluntary recall for 14 of the company’s bottled spring water products.

“Pennsylvania Bottling Company Recalls Bottled Water Due to Possible E. Coli Contamination.”


Premium Bottled Water & E.coli: The Brands

Take a second and let that land, because it’s big. The brands pulled from sale following the reported E.coli contamination? Here’s the roll call:

  • Acadia (Giant)
  • Acme
  • Big Y
  • Best Yet
  • 7-11
  • Niagara
  • Nature’s Place
  • Pricerite
  • Superchill
  • Morning Fresh
  • Shaws
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What is the Best Water to Drink on an Empty Stomach?

Posted by: On December 17, 2019 4:33 pm

Did you know that there’s one simple thing you can do every single day that will pay fantastic dividends to your health?

Even better – EVERYONE can do it, starting tomorrow morning!

Just drink a glass of water!

best water to drink
Before you do anything else in the morning, drink a glass of Tyent Water on an empty stomach.

Huh? Why is that so great for health?

Okay, we’ll explain, but first – what’s the first thing you eat or drink in the morning? Coffee? Toast or cereal?

Now, we’re not suggesting that you don’t have these things – but before anything else hits your stomach when you wake up…drink a glass of water.

Why Should I Drink a Glass of Water

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Ecobricks: Changing the Dialogue About Plastic Waste

Posted by: On August 19, 2019 9:13 pm

We’re slowly getting better at reducing packaging, ditching single-use plastics, and recycling materials. But with 10.5 million tons of plastic waste produced in the USA every year and a recycling rate of just’s not enough. Enter Ecobricks.

Below you’ll learn…

What Are Ecobricks?
Who Invented Ecobricks?
What Do You Do with Ecobricks?
How to Repurpose Plastic Bottles into Ecobricks
Water Ionizers and Ecobricks: Tackling the Same Problem?

Ecobricks puts plastic bottles to good use

What Are Ecobricks?

They are an invention born out of necessity.

An Ecobrick is a plastic drinking bottle tightly packed out with non-recyclable waste.

The philosophy is simple: we can’t get rid of it, so let’s at least use it.

We can’t keep on poisoning

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The Only Thing You Should Give Kids to Drink This Summer

Posted by: On July 5, 2019 5:32 pm

We’re just past the longest day of the year and the prospect of summer vacations and long hot days is beckoning. Keeping children hydrated in the warm weather is always a struggle; swimming, bike rides, sports, and fun tend to take priority for kids!

Keep reading below to find out:

Are Kids Getting Enough to Drink?
Should Kids Say No to Soda?
Should Kids Avoid Bottled Water?
Should Kids Drink Tap Water?
What Should I Give Kids to Drink This Summer?

Kids need a LOT of hydrating over the summer!

Are Kids Getting Enough to Drink?

You can guarantee that your kids will hurtle through the house, claiming that, “we’re fine, thanks, mom…we don't need anything…bye, mom!” as you try

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Is Bottled Water DOUBLING the Amount of Microplastics in Your Body?

Posted by: On June 28, 2019 5:35 pm

Here’s a quick exercise: try doing a quick tally of everything you ate today. Maybe some cereal, an apple, those leftover cold noodles for lunch. A macadamia nut cookie, a small handful of grapes, 149 microplastics…wait. What? Microplastics?

Read on as we cover:

What Are Microplastics?
Still Drinking Bottled Water? Prepare to Be Shocked!
What's in Ionized Water?
Can a Water Ionizer Help to Reduce Microplastics?

It makes sense to cut out microplastics where we can.

What Are Microplastics?

Microplastics are small plastic pieces less than five millimeters long that can be harmful to our ocean and aquatic life.

Every year, the average person consumes an astonishing 50,000 - 70,000 microplastics every year.

These microscopic contaminants frequently come from

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Drinking Soda Linked to Increased Risk of Stroke: Shocking New Findings

Posted by: On April 3, 2019 7:13 pm

A recent report has drawn a link between drinking diet soda and an increased risk of stroke and heart disease.

Keep reading as we discuss the following:

  1. Why is Soda Bad for You?
  2. Which Artificial Sweeteners Are Most Harmful?
  3. How to Stop Drinking Soda
  4. Water Ionizer Benefits
  5. Why NOW is a Great Time to Buy a Water Ionizer!

Do women have an increased risk of stroke from drinking soda?

Why is Soda Bad for You?

The report revealed that one group of the population emerges as being at a higher risk than others: women who have experienced menopause.

The comprehensive study incorporated data from 81,000 women, tracked over an average of 11.9 years.

After adjustments were made for lifestyle factors,

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Put That Sparkling Water Down! Drink from Water Ionizers Instead

Posted by: On November 18, 2018 7:03 pm

Still drinking sparkling water? Then it’s time for a rethink. The bubble has well and truly burst on the bottled water industry and it’s time to say a firm farewell to the fizz.

sparkling water
Many dentists would LOVE to see more people ditch sparkling water and use a water ionizer instead.

So – the next time you reach for a can or a bottle of the carbonated stuff from the shelf – it might be worth keeping a few things in mind.

Feeling Comfortable?

Many people have reported feeling uncomfortably bloated after drinking carbonated water. We find this to be hardly surprising since most brands of sparkling water are chock-full of artificially injected carbon dioxide.

If you suffer from stomach problems …

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5 Frightening Facts About Tap & Bottled Water That Make You Want to Hug a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On October 30, 2018 11:10 am

Think you don’t scare easily?  Fearless about drinking water out of plastic bottles or the tap?  Well, prepare to be afraid… we have some shockingly true stories about tap and bottled water that are the stuff of nightmares!

bottled water
The facts about tap and bottled water are THIS scary – but NOT water ionizers!

Frightening Fact #1: The Terrifying Truth About Tap Water

Who needs “made-up” spooky stories when you can open a newspaper or switch on the TV to hear about the cities, towns, and schools that have some seriously scary stuff lurking in the water?

Frightening Fact #2: The Petrifying Plastic Horror

It wasn’t until EU countries tried to get rid of plastic that they realized that plastic was …

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Bottled Water vs Water Ionizers? Choose Wisely!

Posted by: On July 6, 2018 10:27 pm

Bottled water is the most popular beverage in the United States for the second year in a row,  according to the International Bottled Water Association and Beverage Marketing Corp.

Soda sales slip again! Photo:

The results of the nationwide survey confirm that carbonated soda continues to decline, marking a further loss in soda’s market share for the 13th consecutive year.

Water Wins!

More and more people ditching sugary, chemical-laced soda for healthier beverages is positive news in many respects. Drinking water is obviously great, as there’s no better way to hydrate – but this article should be read with a cautionary footnote.

The increased consumption of bottled water is almost certainly linked to the constant news stories about …

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