How to Wake Up Early and Not Feel Tired

Posted by: On July 22, 2022 11:42 am

Do you leap out of bed and into the day? Or do you manage to wake up early, but keep hitting the snooze button because you’re just not ready yet?

Want to know how to wake up early AND not feel tired while you do it? Yep, us too. Find out how to be a morning lark with feel-good vibes and boundless energy – every day!


How to Wake Up Early and Not Feel Tired


Wake Up Early With Energy Every Morning!


Make these changes and get ready to get MORE out of your mornings!

1. Get a sleep routine that serves you. Got to bed at the same time each evening and rise at the same time every morning – even at weekends. Too many …

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Need More Energy? Read On… [Updated]

Posted by: On May 10, 2021 1:00 am

Do you need more energy? Are you feeling a little…meh? Are you finding that your regular afternoon slump is getting harder and harder to climb out of? Does the prospect of exercise and preparing for the next day of activities make you feel tired?

Like almost everyone else in this modern, busy life, you could probably use more energy, right?



Unlock Your Energy

Now, there are some tried-and-tested ways of boosting your energy – getting more sleep, eating energy-boosting foods and yep, getting some exercise.

You can even reduce stress in your environment or avoid day drinking to keep your body’s cycle healthy and consistent.

But one of the fastest, most accessible ways of unlocking new

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Water Ionizer Benefits for Singers and Dancers — HUGE Results! Learn from Beyoncé’s example!

Posted by: On November 13, 2020 12:00 pm

Look, Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter is one of the most successful, glittering, bona-fide superstars on the planet. If she says she only wants to drink alkaline water, served at 21 degrees centigrade and sipped through a titanium straw, who are we to argue?

Diva behavior or sensible, healthful choice? Let’s take a look!


Beyoncé's Example -Learn why Water Ionizers Benefit Singers and Dancers — HUGE Results!


Does Alkaline Water Hydrate Singers and Dancers?

Does Alkaline Water Give Beyoncé Extra Energy?

Can Alkaline Water Help to Speed Recovery After Performing?

Does Alkaline Water Help Beyoncé Look Good?

How Can I Get Alkaline Water Like Beyoncé?


Does Alkaline Water Hydrate Singers and Dancers?

It sure does. Alkaline water from a water ionizer hydrates you faster and for longer than tap or bottled regular water. …

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9 Hacks to Increase Your Energy Naturally

Posted by: On March 4, 2020 2:49 pm

Forget dodgy-sounding energy drinks that are packed with chemicals and false promises: if you want to boost your energy levels, then it’s time to get smart about it.

Here are the top 9 hacks to increase your energy levels naturally!

9 Hacks to Increase Your Energy Naturally

1. Don’t smoke – it can affect the quality of your sleep, leaving you sapped of energy.

If you smoke, do everything in your power to quit. It negatively affects virtually every part of your physiology, including your energy levels. Impaired sleep, breathlessness and an amplified toxic load, all make you feel sluggish.

2. Eat whole, iron-rich and low-GI foods for slower energy release.

Iron-rich foods help us to feel more energetic. Foods with a low-GI (glycemic index) count will …

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Five Ways Your Body is Telling You To Buy a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On February 15, 2019 4:55 pm

Listening to your body is something you do every day, especially when messages like “I’m hungry” or “I need to use the bathroom!”  are loud and clear.

Is your body trying to tell you something?

If you have a two or three-year-old toddling around, they’ll happily notify you that it’s both at the same time.

But sometimes, as we grow older, we’re not quite alert as to what our bodies really need.

Check out our list of the Five Ways Your Body Is Telling You to Buy a Water Ionizer and be amazed at just how many of these ways strike a chord with you!

When to Buy a Water Ionizer

1) “I Need a Drink!”

Here’s the main thing …

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Five Tips to Become Employee of the Month With Help From Your Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On April 12, 2018 12:00 pm

Make your water ionizer work for you and become the new star of the office.

tyentTip #1: Look Like a Boss!
Whatever your usual work attire, the way you look can influence how people view you.  Drinking Tyent Water helps to improve the appearance of your skin, and using Turbo Water to rinse in the shower and after cleaning your teeth gives you ultra-shiny hair and a brilliant go-getting smile!

Tip #2: Intellectual Ability and Mental Agility!
Impress the boss with your quick fire ideas and mental prowess!  Tyent Water is jam-packed with amazing hydrogen that can actually help improve cognitive ability and brain function so you can wow your co-workers with your brilliant memory and sharp smarts!

Tip #3:

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How is Your Workout Working Out?

Posted by: On March 8, 2018 12:00 pm

However you get your fitness fix, do you ever feel as though you could be getting more out of it?  Or maybe putting more into it?  As spring approaches, it’s a great time of year to think about how we can energize ourselves and really put a seasonal spring in our step!

Are you ready to start boosting your energy levels?
What’s Different About Tyent Water?  

Drinking Tyent Water from your water ionizer doesn’t just hydrate you; it gives you so much more besides.  In each glass of Tyent Water, you’ll find:

  • Essential minerals
  • Hydrogen

All of these things are what your body needs to thrive and be at it’s healthful best.  But it’s hydrogen

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Are the Holidays Stealing Your Energy?  

Posted by: On December 26, 2017 6:06 pm

Forget The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.  This is far more serious, (and erm… real). The Christmas That Stole Your Energy needs fixing, and fast!

Have the holidays stolen your sparkle?
Partied Too Hearty?

It’s all too easy to run out of energy over the holidays.  Social engagements, parties, excited kids (everywhere, more every time you look up, it seems), rich food and maybe a few glasses of wine more than you usually drink?  It’s hard work having fun!   

All of these things are energy thieves.  And when you’re tired, it’s pretty easy to just throw yourself into the nearest armchair and watch It’s a Wonderful Life again/snooze it off/wait for the kids to grow up.

Tempting, but if you want

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I Don’t Need a Water Ionizer – or Do I?

Posted by: On October 10, 2017 7:00 am

When it comes to spending money, especially making a significant purchase, most of us will pose the question to ourselves, “Do I really need this in my life?”

Do I really need a water ionizer?
Do I Need a Water Ionizer?  

So when it comes to a water ionizer, let’s consider three of the most popular reasons many people purchase one.  

  • Hydration.  Makes sense.  We all need to drink water.  Many people are reluctant to trust tap water or bottled water these days, but we all need to drink something! Hydrating with delicious, mineral-rich, hydrogen water, is possibly one of the best things you can do for your body.
  • Energy.  From water?  From the day you start drinking hydrogen
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Water Ionizers and That Gym Membership…

Posted by: On August 31, 2017 12:00 pm

When the swishy new gym opened in town, the promotional flyers arrived thick and fast.  I ignored the first dozen or so, thinking that no amount of hi-tech training machines and hot yoga rooms could persuade me to part with the large fee required to gain access to that temple of toning and sweat.  

Those trainers would look perfect in my closet next to my gym bag.
New Gym Bag, No Clue? 

Then the drip-feeding of hard-body propaganda started to take effect.  Suddenly, I needed to be a member of that gym.  And I needed some ace gear to go with my shiny new membership.  Everyone knows that you exercise better in new gym clothes.  And trainers.  Trainers don’t come …

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