101 Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers Part 3: Beautiful Water In So Many Ways

Posted by: On June 21, 2016 6:10 pm

Here are the different ways Tyent water can make you look and feel beautiful.

Part 3: Water Ionizers Benefit Beautiful Skin

It sure does take more than skin to feel and look beautiful. It’s essential you complement it with an amazing personality! For sure, though, you’ll never say no to anything that can bring out the glow in you.

Surprise your friends, husband (or wife or partner), and family with an even better-looking skin! As part of our 101 Reasons to Love Tyent Water series (here are part 1 and part 2), we share how alkaline water gives you beauty. Here they are:

1. Makes a Beauty Water with a Water Ionizer

Woman beauty face care portrait | Beautiful | drinking alkaline water beauty benefits | Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers

Do Tyent water ionizers make beauty water? …

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Is Buying A Water Ionizer Worth It? 

Posted by: On May 26, 2016 9:00 am

Buying a water ionizer is a fairly major purchase for most people.  Although the cost-per-glass comes in at around a tiny 6 cents, the initial cost is significant enough for you to need a bit of reassurance that you really need this in your life.

Investing in your health is the greatest investment you can make.
Investing in your health is the greatest investment you can make.

Without wanting to sound trite, your health is something that you’re unlikely to regret investing in.  Ionized alkaline water is feted the world over by people who have experienced the benefits of drinking it, and their testimonials make persuasive reading.

“Since drinking Tyent Water™, we have had no allergies, no colds, and everybody has more energy. Pretty amazing!”  

~ Dr.Christopher Fiordaliso

 How Ionized

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The Science Behind Alkaline Water; Over 1,000 Clinical Studies on Hydrogen Can’t Be Wrong

Posted by: On March 29, 2016 9:00 am

Many Ask…Are There Studies on Alkaline Water?

The short answer is an unequivocal yes.  There are many existing studies on alkaline water, and more being published all the time.  Scientists are excited by its properties, and there seems to be an unofficial race to find the next breakthrough.

There are literally hundreds of bodies of research out there.  Today, we’re going to take a look at two.

Alkaline water – what will the next breakthrough be?
Alkaline water – what will the next breakthrough be?

A Close Look At Molecular Hydrogen

The first is a great introduction to the world of lab-based studies. Let’s look at Molecular hydrogen: An inert gas turns clinically effective.

This eye-opening report points to the results of clinical testing over the last 5 …

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Ten Great Spring Cleaning Tips!

Posted by: On March 24, 2016 9:00 am

It’s that time of year again!  Nothing makes your house feel fresher than a good spring clean.  I love throwing things out almost as much as I like hoarding them (I know, my storage issues are complex) and there’s no better way to ensure that your home stays tidy than eliminating clutter and buffing what’s left to a showroom shine!

Nothing beats coming home to a house as tidy as this!
Nothing beats coming home to a house as tidy as this!

We have some fabulous tips for getting the most out of your annual spring tidy, so let’s get our houses in order!

  1. First Things First

Don’t try to clean anything before you’ve had a thorough clear-out first.  I can tell when I’m in ‘the zone’ for throwing things …

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How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle with Your Tyent Water Ionizer

Posted by: On February 26, 2016 9:00 am

If you had to describe the ideal healthy lifestyle, what would you say?

Happy active children jumping

Most people would place proper nutrition, hydration, adequate sleep, strong immunities, and exercise at the top of the list. Not surprisingly, a Tyent water ionizer can help a person live healthier in all those ways and more!

Living Healthy With Your Water Ionizer

Water bottle by pool. Exercise and hydration concept.

Hydration is perhaps the single most important thing for a healthy lifestyle, even more important than nutrition**.

“At least 60% of the adult body is made of [water] and every living cell in the body needs it to keep functioning.”

Business Insider

Alkaline water happens to be ultra hydrating. It allows for faster gastric emptying, which in turn hydrates you faster.The health …

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3 Delicious Thanksgiving Day Uses for Your Water Ionizer

Posted by: On November 14, 2015 12:40 pm

The Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving feast in 1621 to celebrate their first successful harvest in the New World. Of course, the Pilgrims didn’t have a Tyent water ionizer on hand to enhance the flavor and health benefits of their meal, but that doesn’t mean a water ionizer can’t be an important part of your Thanksgiving meal preparation!

Happy friends cheering up at Thanksgiving party outdoors

Here are three tasty tips from Tyent USA to make your Thanksgiving meal extra special in 2015:

  1. Tenderize Your Turkey with Turbo Alkaline Water

Thnaksgiving dish - turkey with pumpkins and fall leaves

Ever wonder how restaurants get perfectly moist roasted poultry in their restaurants? One trick chefs use is they soak their birds in brine which is a solution of water and salt. Guess what? Brines happen to be …

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There Are Good Reasons Why People Love, Love, Love Their Tyent Water Ionizers (Revised)

Posted by: On April 6, 2015 4:43 pm

There are many companies out there in the alkaline water business…some are better than others. If you are considering an ionized alkaline water purifier for your home or office, consider this; there is only one company in this business today that can truthfully say, “We make the best water ionizer in the business”, and it’s The Tyent Alkaline Water Company. 

What separates Tyent from the rest of the field you may ask?  Quality.  Quality, backed by the best warranty you’ll find on an alkaline water ionizer and a commitment to maintain that quality.  Tyent’s warranty is a no-fine-print Lifetime Warranty. 

We want you to be happy with your purchase. We want you to love your water ionizer 

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Tyent Alkaline Water Ionizer Machines – a Great Investment Into Your Good Health (Updated)

Posted by: On March 5, 2015 5:25 pm

Yesterday, we heard from more than satisfied Tyent customer, Jerry M. from Pennsylvania.  Jerry suffered from several specific health issues and did a world of research before deciding to purchase a water ionizer to find relief through a more holistic approach.
 research word cloud on a laptop

Having decided to purchase a machine, Jerry then embarked on a mission to determine which company offered the best ionizer for the best price and one that had an excellent customer service record.  Experience had taught him the importance of having a supportive and professional staff of dedicated representatives that stood behind their product and were there to assist him.

Jerry’s glowing endorsement of Tyent, our machines and premium customer service, says mission accomplished!  

The Tyent Alkaline

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Happy Customers Rave About the Amazing Results Experienced by Drinking Tyent Ionized Water (New + Improved)

Posted by: On February 4, 2015 6:45 pm

I love these real world, heartfelt endorsements.  They fully support what people have been saying about ionized alkaline water: it does have healing properties that are undeniable.

JenniferandRickFMendykaSr (1)
Rich and Jennifer thank Tyent Water for their improved health.

Say hello to Rick and Jennifer Mendyka.  Rick is one of Tyent’s most enthusiastic and dedicated fans.  Rick has realized firsthand the undeniable difference that drinking Tyent Alkaline Water has made to his health and therefore, the quality of his life.

There’s no way that Rick began drinking Tyent Water and it took 30 days for some placebo effect to kick in that relieved all the health problems he was dealing with.  Besides, placebos are only temporary.  If they worked continuously they

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Does Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water Contain Medicine? (Version 2)

Posted by: On February 2, 2015 7:40 pm

When you have a product that people rave about on multiple levels, including physical relief from any number of medical conditions, one could be forgiven for believing it contains medicine. While ionized water has been linked to a multitude of health benefits, it does not in fact contain pharmaceutical “medicine.”

How One Tyent Water Drinker Saw Improvement in her Health

Franci-CrownobleMany Tyent customers have reported improved health and wellness after drinking Tyent Water. Franci Crownoble is one such customer. Franci suffered from high blood pressure, until she began drinking ionized alkaline water from Tyent.  Below is what Franci had to say about the improvement to her blood pressure along with an added bonus since she began drinking Tyent

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