Comparing Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water To Bottled Water, Part 2 (Version II)

Posted by: On January 20, 2015 5:18 pm

Yesterday, the negatives of buying bottled water were highlighted when juxtaposed with drinking Tyent alkaline water.  Today I want to highlight the positives of having a Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water machine installed in your home or business.

Million Dollar Lake House with Tyent UCE-11
A brilliant addition to any kitchen

Folks are becoming more aware of all the negatives associated with buying bottled drinking water.  Aside from the expense, there is the realization that each purchase results in a negative impact on the planet, thereby, increasing your carbon footprint, not reducing it.

In addition to the cost and pollution, there is the water itself.  Some may be no cleaner than the water running from your faucet at home.  While people are waking up to the fact

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Happy People with Happy Stories Ionized Alkaline Water from Tyent (Revised)

Posted by: On November 6, 2014 5:55 pm

Many of us are familiar with the phrase, “Get real.” The words are meant to make us reevaluate our current line of thinking and consider a course more in line with the reality of the situation. 

Let’s hear some real talk from real people who love their Tyent water ionizer.

That’s what I love about Tyent customers.  They are real people who are real happy to share their experience with others who would like to know if all this positive talk about water ionizers is justified.  They were not paid for their endorsement but willingly lined-up to let the world know of the remarkable results they personally derived from drinking water from a Tyent water ionizer.

For our athletes,

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Summer Is Still Here So Stay Cool

Posted by: On August 26, 2014 6:23 pm


                      Keep Cool With Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water



Cucumber     It is August.  August is typically the hottest month of year for many of us here in America with most states averaging around 80 degrees.

Averages don’t always translate to actual though.  As an example, where I am, eighty degrees is normal for this time of year yet it’s been in the nineties all month long and the heat index has been hovering at 100 degrees and above for the past week.

Translation, it is still summer and your body is still susceptible to overheating.  While August may portend cooling temperatures, they aren’t here yet and overheating is still a concern for many in  some of the hotter climates around

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Bottled Water – An All Around Bad Investment

Posted by: On August 6, 2014 4:54 pm


The High Cost of Clean Water…is Rising




carafe-of-clean-and-dirty-water    Have you ever wondered what the annual costs are of drinking bottled water?  Probably not.  There is much to consider when figuring out the price.  Here are five facts that most bottled water drinkers probably don’t think about before they open that cooler door at the store and grab a bottle.


Green 5


  • Americans buy 50 billion plastic bottles of water each year


  • It requires 17 million barrels of oil to produce those bottles


  • We only recycle plastic at a rate of 23% so 38 billion bottles hit the landfill annually


  • The recommended 8 glasses of water a day will cost you about $50 from your tap yearly
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Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water vs Cola

Posted by: On June 16, 2014 4:41 pm


                                                  The Dangers of What We Drink


  Crazy-woman-with-crossed-eyes-drinking-wine-through-a-straw  It is crazy the amount of soft drinks and sodas consumed in this country each year.  The negative effects on the health of the nation are becoming more apparent which each new study, especially when it comes to our children.  Check out some of these numbers.

*Colas/sodas: Every year, the average American consumes around 45 gallons of unhealthy, sugary soda.  That’s the equivalent of about one and a half bathtubs of cola.  Most worrisome is the amount of sugar contained in these drinks.

There are an incredible sixteen teaspoons of sugar in an average twenty-ounce cola. Sixteen teaspoons in one soda.



  Sugar-spilling-from-spoon    So What’s Wrong With a Little Sugar?


Nothing, if

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Beat the Summer Heat With Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water

Posted by: On June 2, 2014 4:41 pm


                                         The Heat is on!


Thermometer-in-summer-3 DSummer is just around the corner but in many places throughout the land, the heat is already here.

Doctors and health professionals everywhere recognize the need for good hydration on a regular basis but especially, when the temperature rises above eighty degrees.

Interestingly, when the temperature is up it doesn’t matter if you are working out in the sun, exercising or just trying to get a little tan, your body needs to stay hydrated.  Dehydration is a serious medical condition that can occur before you actually realize it.  According to Doctor John Batson, of Hilton Head, South Carolina, a specialist in sports medicine, “Thirst is not always the best indicator of dehydration, if you’re

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Stay Healthy-Stay Home-With Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water

Posted by: On May 28, 2014 4:45 pm



                              Good Health Begins at Home

The first rule of being a good lawyer is “never to ask a question that you don’t already know the answer to.”  I’m no attorney but I’m going to exercise that rule right now.

people-outdoors-with-tree-vector-background  How would you like to look younger, feel healthier, and have more energy by merely enjoying a glass of pure drinking water?  That is one heck of a question and of course, I already know the answer.  A resounding “Yes, I would!”  That’s good, because now you can with a Tyent ionized alkaline water system in your home or office.


Ionized alkaline water is all the rage.  People the world over have recognized the

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Why People Love Tyent Ionized Water

Posted by: On April 23, 2014 5:10 am

                                 Ionized Alkaline Water and Better Health healthy-water  By now, you may have heard about alkaline water and the purportedly great health benefits experienced by its multitude of users/believers. People from all over the world with varying degrees of ailments from Acid Reflux to Eczema and more, have claimed relief and often cure from these and other health-related issues by drinking ionized alkaline water.

I thought it would be good to learn about alkaline water and also read what people that drink it have to say about it.  Let’s first define what alkaline water is.

Alkaline water is any water with a pH level above seven, which makes it alkaline.  Below seven and it is acidic.  Pretty simple.

So what is ionized

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Star Gazing With Tyent Ionized Alkaline water

Posted by: On April 22, 2014 4:45 am

Celebrities and Tyent Ionized Alkaline water 

Stars  It’s nice when you have a product that people like so much they are happy to tell some friends about it.  It is great when you have a product that people love and are willing to tell the world about it.  It doesn’t hurt either when they just so happen to have some star power behind them!

I know, you can get famous people to say anything about your product if you pay them enough and this may be true…except in this case.  No celebrities appearing in this article were paid one thin dime for their endorsement of Tyent USA’s incredible ionized alkaline water.  To me, that says as much about the product as

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Athletes Re-hydrate With Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water

Posted by: On April 15, 2014 2:57 am

                                 Ionized Alkaline Water and Exercise



Tired Runner with bottle  One dictionary defines exercise this way.

ExerciseActivity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness.

Exercise is an important part of maintaining one’s health.  Research has shown that even moderate physical activity on a regular basis is good for us on numerous levels. Just as important though, and especially when working-out, is making sure your body stays sufficiently hydrated and no water on Earth hydrates you faster and better than Tyent Water.

Let’s look first at a few of the benefits of regular exercise.

According to information provided by staff members at the Mayo Clinic, exercise may be important to us for reasons many of

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